Cat and Dog Heartworm Prevention
in White Bear Lake

You know that your pet is susceptible to various parasites and diseases, but it can be hard to know exactly what kind of an impact they can make on your pet’s health. Heartworm disease is a prevalent concern in White Bear Lake and the surrounding areas, and the disease can take a toll on your pet’s health. At our animal hospital, we want you to understand more about this disease as well as heartworm prevention so you can protect your pet’s health for the long term.

Dog Heartworm Prevention in White Bear Lake, MN

What You Need to Know About Heartworm Disease

As a pet owner, you’ve heard of heartworm disease. But how much do you know about it? Heartworms are parasites that can be transferred to your pet through the bite of an infected mosquito. The heartworms travel through your pet’s bloodstream and lodge themselves in the blood vessels around the lungs and in the heart. Over time, they grow, mature, and multiply and put a strain on your pet’s heart and lungs. Symptoms are usually non-existent in the early stages of infection and only appear once the disease is much more advanced. Common signs of heartworm disease include:

  • Coughing and difficulty breathing, particularly after exercise (dogs)
  • Reluctance to exercise (dogs and cats)
  • Heart failure (dogs)
  • Caval syndrome (dogs, severe cases only), where blood flow is completely blocked in the heart due to the abundance of worms
  • Asthma-like attacks (cats)
  • Weight loss (cats)
  • Vomiting (cats)

Heartworm disease primarily affects dogs, but it can also affect cats. While it is treatable for dogs, the effects of the disease can be debilitating, and so can the costs of treatment. For cats, unfortunately, there is no treatment available. Luckily, with consistent heartworm prevention medication, your pet can completely avoid contracting this illness, and you can avoid the costs of lengthy treatments.

Cat Heartworm Prevention

Cat and Dog Heartworm Prevention Options

At Birch Lake Animal Hospital, we often perform a heartworm test for dogs at their annual wellness visit. Additionally, we offer the latest and safest heartworm prevention medication for cats and dogs.

Some of our options include:

  • Simparico Trio (dogs) – monthly chewable tablet
  • ProHeart 6 (dogs) – an injection that protects your dog for 6 months
  • ProHeart 12 (dogs) - an injection that protects your dog for 12 months
  • Revolution (cats) – a monthly topical solution

For other parasites such as fleas and ticks, we also provide:

  • Simparica Trio (dogs) – a monthly chewable tablet
  • Bravecto (dogs and cats) a monthly chewable tablet for dogs; monthly topical for cats
  • Frontline (dogs) – a monthly topical solution
  • Revolution (cats) – a monthly topical solution that prevents a wide range of parasites

If your pet is currently unprotected or you’re running low on your heartworm prevention, please contact us at (651) 426-2246 today to make an appointment!