Does Your Dog Have Bad Breath in White Bear Lake, MN? Here are 6 Tips to Help

It’s happened to every pet parent at least once: you lean in to cuddle with your dog, and suddenly, you’re hit by that bad dog breath of hers. Even normal dog breath can be unpleasant to smell, and you might find yourself spending less time with your dog because of it.

Solutions for Bad Breath

In this article, we’ll show you six tips to help you take care of your dog’s bad breath and help her smell fresh again. Use this information to find the best solution for bad breath in your dog.

bad dog breath in white bear lake, mn

1. Toothbrush and Toothpaste

One of the best ways to freshen your dog’s breath is to brush her teeth with a dog-safe toothbrush and dog-friendly toothpaste. These items can be found in most pet stores and are designed to be as easy for dogs to handle as possible.

If your dog truly does not like having her teeth brushed, you may be able to use a finger brush instead. These brushes can be worn over your finger and used to scrape your dog’s teeth gently.

2. Plaque-Fighting Treats

You can easily find a wide selection of plaque-fighting treats for your dog in almost any pet store. These treats come in many flavors and styles, but they are all designed to help remove plaque from your dog’s teeth and freshen her breath at the same time.

Some dogs may have a little bit of stomach upset from eating this type of dental treat. If your dog has a very sensitive stomach, start small with just half of a treat for a couple of days. Make sure you don’t overfeed these treats, and always follow the instructions listed on the packaging.

3. Regular Teeth Cleanings

Dogs who have severely bad breath and dogs who have other dental health needs may require regular teeth cleanings from the vet. These professional teeth cleanings are like a human’s dental cleaning sessions and are a great way to keep up with a dog’s hygiene.

Dogs must be put under anesthesia to be given a dental cleaning by the veterinarian. For this reason, teeth cleanings may not work well for some dogs, including those who have diagnosed heart disease. Your vet will talk with you to determine whether your pet might be a good candidate for a professional dog teeth cleaning.

4. High-Quality Kibble

If your dog is eating lower-quality kibble or is only eating wet food, she needs to be moved to a high-quality kibble instead if possible. Good quality food with a crunchy consistency can work wonders for helping improve your dog’s dental health, which in turn helps improve and freshen her breath.

If you have any questions about the right type of food for your dog’s dental needs, be sure to ask your vet. Additionally, don’t switch your dog’s food “cold turkey,” but instead take time to slowly phase her from one food to the next.

5. Dental Freshener

Some companies make over-the-counter dental fresheners for dogs. These usually come in the form of a mouthwash-style spray that is safe for your dog to swallow, but they may also come in treat form, depending on the brand.

These methods may work in the short-term, but it’s important to figure out the cause of your dog’s bad breath and take care of it long-term, too. Improved dental health and better food quality are both great ways to help, along with the use of dental fresheners.

6. Dental Toys

Many dental toys are designed to help improve your dog’s overall dental health. They can help strengthen your dog’s teeth while scraping away plaque before it has a chance to build up and cause a problem. These toys are a great way to provide better breath and better tooth health for your dog at the same time.

Make sure you always supervise your dog while she is chewing a dental toy. These toys can cause intestinal blockages if they are swallowed in some cases, and this is very dangerous for dogs who are prone to eating their toys.

Bad Dog Breath is Preventable

These are just some of the possibilities when it comes to treating your dog’s bad breath. There may be other options that work well for you, but a lot of the management of bad breath in dogs is simply trial and error.

Remember, too, that some health problems may cause foul-smelling breath. Dental disease, diabetes, and other problems may contribute to the smell of your dog’s breath. Therefore, if her bad breath is new, you should take her to the vets at Birch Lake Animal Hospital just to make sure the underlying cause isn’t something else. From there, you can work out the best way to deal with her breath situation. To book an appointment at Birch Lake Animal Hospital call (651) 426-2246 or use the online form!